Hot Climate Partnership –
A world first

The Hot Climate Partnership brings together two science organisations, a motivated grower group and a strategic commercialisation partner with a clear and specific focus to develop delicious, robust, new apple and pear varieties specifically created for hot and warming climates.

As partners, we understood the need to get ahead of a very real problem for our industry – and the world. So in 2002 Spain’s Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) joined with New Zealand’s Plant & Food Research to create a brand new category of fruit that would thrive in hot climates.

Joined by Fruit Futur and VentureFruit, we’ve developed into a powerful partnership of the world’s leading scientists, researchers, growers and marketers to develop the breeding breakthroughs our industry needs to confidently plan for the future.

Our recently launched new variety, ‘HOT84A1’ and our unique database of second generation hot climate germplasm, mean apples and pears will continue to have the taste, texture and appearance consumers love – as well as performing well in the orchard, store and packhouse.

Our Partners

IRTA is a leading research institute owned by the Government of Catalonia, Spain. It promotes and conducts research and technological development in agri-food, transferring scientific advances and advancing health and wellbeing. 

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Plant & Food Research in New Zealand is highly regarded for its world-leading science, improving the way we grow, fish, harvest, prepare and share food. It values partnerships as the best way of creating a smarter, greener future that benefits everyone.

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Fruit Futur is a leader in the commercial production of apples and pears in Catalonia. Their expertise and in-depth commercial knowledge helps in the assessment and selection of new varieties.

VentureFruit is a New Zealand company with a global presence. Responsible for the commercialisation of varieties worldwide — maximising the benefits of new varieties for growers, marketers and consumers.

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Our values define the way we work

Forward Thinking

We bring together the brightest minds and innovative thinkers to build sustainable solutions for the world. We start with an open mind, constantly exploring the future, evolving with the challenges, to create a world-first programme to lead our industry forward with confidence.

Focused Energy

We’re here to make a difference so we apply a sharp focus to everything we do. For 25 years we’ve poured our energy into building a ground-breaking programme through applied scientific research informed by real world needs.  

It’s about clarity and confidence. Trust and belief in our goals– and plenty of energy to achieve them.

Excellence Always

There are big challenges to solve so we always operate at our best. We partner with world-leading experts and organisations who have the expertise, ability and focus to give our industry the confidence and proven solutions for a thriving future.

True Connections

Global challenges are solved through genuine connections between good people – and that’s what we have here. The organisations involved with our programme are full of talented, supportive, respectful people joined together by a common cause. We collaborate and share, trust and encourage. We love what we do, connecting across great distances to create solutions where millions will benefit.