A hot Spanish summer in 2002 saw the beginning of a world-leading breeding programme.

Catalonia in north-eastern Spain is a bountiful province with a Mediterranean climate. But, heat can cause fruit to mature too quickly, as well as affect the colour, texture and yield of its famous red apples. 

In the summer of 2002, a cross country partnership began to find enduring solutions for the apple and pear industry in a warming climate.


The first harvest of red, crisp and juicy ‘HOT84A1’ apples is released to the world.


The Hot Climate Programme is rebranded as the Hot Climate Partnership.


The first commercial trees producing ‘HOT84A1’ are planted on the Iberian Peninsula.

The Hot Climate Partnership continues developing the world’s only database of second generation hot climate germplasm.


The Hot Climate Partnership announces the development of the first apple tailored specifically for growing in hot climate regions – ‘HOT84A1’.


New Zealand’s VentureFruit (a T&G Global company) joins as the strategic commercialisation partner, adding global experience in IP management and commercialisation.


Catalan apple and pear grower group Fruit Futur joins the partnership bringing local knowledge and valuable production expertise.


Spain’s Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) partners with New Zealand’s Plant & Food Research to form the Hot Climate Programme – a collaboration of world leading scientists and researchers.